Coaches Corner Dec. 2024

Notes from our December 2024 COACHES CORNER:
Topics that we discussed:
  1. Career-related coaching in a difficult economic climate, and how you empower your clients to come from a place of positivity while also integrating the reality of the market.
  2. Managing the limits of confidentiality when coaching multiple members of an intact team.
  3. How do we show the value of our work to the customer/client
  1. It’s helpful being reminded, helpful as a coach to push me in the way that I push clients, if my first response is resistance, then I realize I should let the advice/suggestion seek in
  2. I found this idea helpful about framing the value of my coaching; it’s less about how will I know, and more about how I as a coach participate in the job seeking process.
  3. Richness of backgrounds and experiences, fascinating listening to people in the field about how they tackle problems.
  4. Love that you’re bringing up issues that I have, nice to know that I’m not alone.
  5. Appreciate knowing what’s on everyone else’s minds – best takeaway from a convening like this