Butterfly Framework of Complex Human Systems

Thanks to Vicky Schubert and Anne Starr for presenting this Butterfly Framework to BFR members in Dec. 2014;  kudos to Steve Ober and SOL friends for helping to develop the framework.

In the workshop we identified the many tools that we all use, and placed them on the butterfly diagram according to the siting of the intervention - whether we're intervening at the business level, dealing with mental models, or feelings, etc.  You can make out some of the post-its; down below is a text listing of the models.

Butterfly Framework of Complex Human Systems Workshop  12-Dec-14
Survey of Tools BFR Participants Use to Help the System See Itself
(I've placed these tools more or less where they were placed on the framework with the understanding that many of these tools are used at multiple systemic levels and there is a lot of overlap)
EnvironmentBusinessOrganizationFace-to-FaceMental ModelsFeelingsCritical Image/
Theory UCultural AuditsGroup draws org/team history along several dimensions; build the elephantMutual Learning Model; Schwartz et al, Facilitators' FieldbookContext we live, move from; Sufficiency - Lynne TwistAikidoSomatics; what is your body telling you?
Environmental Scan SWOT AnalysisFocus Groups/ InterviewsCausal Loop Diagramming1-on-1 interviews, structured but exploratoryEquine Assisted LearningLeadership embodyment, aikido, mindfulness; Wendy PalmerWhat's at risk? Core operating assumptions
Stakeholder AnalysisEmergent LearningArt of HostingChange Immunity Map (Kegan, mindsatwork.com) X3Leadership Agility (Bill Joiner); Developmental Stages; Integral"The Work"; Limiting BeliefsTop Focused Conversation Method; www.top-network.org
Systemic ConstellationsCorporate Lifecycles (author: Adizes)LEGO Serious Play (landscape)Organizational Role Analysis (Grubb Institute) Coaching in depthStrategic Questions (Peavey)DISC & MBTIRon Heifitz, "going to the balcony"
4-Player Model (David Kantor)Integral Theory; Native Perspectives – lyedie.com  LEGO Serious Play (Identity)Realise 2 Strengths Profile for understanding of strengths rooted in personal stories
  5 Speech ActsSymbols, Process, 4 Archetypes & Inquiry (Lyedie Geer)Barry Oshry, Seeing Systems powerandsystems.comConstructive Develomental Theory; Kegan, Torbert, JoinerStorywork
  Greiner's Stages of Org Devel. (Evolution v. Revolution) Power, Equity, Inclusion LensMindfulness and Mindful Leadership Practices; Michael Carroll, Janice Marturano 
  Dimensions of Success; Relationships, Process, Results. Cultural Proficiency LensStance 
   www.interactionassociates.com  X2 Inside Team, www.crrglobal.comHopes and Fears