Survey of Tools BFR Participants Use to Help the System See Itself |
(I've placed these tools more or less where they were placed on the framework with the understanding that many of these tools are used at multiple systemic levels and there is a lot of overlap) |
Environment | Business | Organization | Face-to-Face | Mental Models | Feelings | Critical Image/ Story |
Theory U | Cultural Audits | Group draws org/team history along several dimensions; build the elephant | Mutual Learning Model; Schwartz et al, Facilitators' Fieldbook | Context we live, move from; Sufficiency - Lynne Twist | Aikido | Somatics; what is your body telling you? |
Environmental Scan SWOT Analysis | Focus Groups/ Interviews | Causal Loop Diagramming | 1-on-1 interviews, structured but exploratory | Equine Assisted Learning | Leadership embodyment, aikido, mindfulness; Wendy Palmer | What's at risk? Core operating assumptions |
Stakeholder Analysis | Emergent Learning | Art of Hosting | Change Immunity Map (Kegan, X3 | Leadership Agility (Bill Joiner); Developmental Stages; Integral | "The Work"; Limiting Beliefs | Top Focused Conversation Method; |
Systemic Constellations | Corporate Lifecycles (author: Adizes) | LEGO Serious Play (landscape) | Organizational Role Analysis (Grubb Institute) Coaching in depth | Strategic Questions (Peavey) | DISC & MBTI | Ron Heifitz, "going to the balcony" |
| | O.R.S.C. | 4-Player Model (David Kantor) | Integral Theory; Native Perspectives – | LEGO Serious Play (Identity) | Realise 2 Strengths Profile for understanding of strengths rooted in personal stories |
| | 5 Speech Acts | Symbols, Process, 4 Archetypes & Inquiry (Lyedie Geer) | Barry Oshry, Seeing Systems | Constructive Develomental Theory; Kegan, Torbert, Joiner | Storywork |
| | Greiner's Stages of Org Devel. (Evolution v. Revolution) | | Power, Equity, Inclusion Lens | Mindfulness and Mindful Leadership Practices; Michael Carroll, Janice Marturano | |
| | Dimensions of Success; Relationships, Process, Results. | | Cultural Proficiency Lens | Stance | |
| | X2 | | Inside Team, | Hopes and Fears | |